Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Two Different Theories?

In your own words, please compare and contrast the developmental lag theory and the "early reading weakness as a skill deficit" theory.

  I had heard the term “late bloomers” but never really taken its possibly meaning into context.  There are so many students that could fall behind in a classroom if, as a teacher, I am not looking for early signs.  As mentioned in the article, the main difference between developmental lag and skill deficit theory is that the developmental lag theory based that the brain would mature and that any intervention at an early stage would not be necessary.  The skill deficit theory argued that waiting could ultimately hinder the learning of the child further and that steps needed to be taken at a young age or as soon as possible.  The commonality between the two is that there has been a recognized struggle with a student’s reading and teachers and parents alike see that a child may need help in the future.

My assessment of these theories came from the article, "Waiting Rarely Works: Late Bloomer Usually Just Wilt."

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