Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Would RTI be useful in a Head Start classroom?

The RTI method is fully described in the article reading for today.  It talks about the tiers that are discussed. In the first tier all children are included in the classroom. In the second tier children are pulled that are havng trouble understanding the material that is being overed. The tiers then go further up with fewer students thta are being weeded out.  As they move farther up the pyramid children are receiving more help with the areas that they are struggling in.

The base model of the RTI model is used for the entire classroom. The article explains that most teachers are already implementing this into their classroom. This would just mean the normal classroom procedures and curriculum are already in place and that no real changes have been made. It is in the tier that a teacher would notice that some children are starting to struggle. This would then trigger her to start implementing methods to help them.

In the tiers that follow, teachers will startimplementing methods that will help children.  This would mean that they would start using the CBM to assess the children based on the curriculum that is already in place.  At this point, a teacher would be able to see that certain children are falling behind in reading (mainly).  At this point the teacher would start working COLLABORATIVELY with other teachers, administration, and the parents to help the child.  All of these individuals would work together to see what modifications can be made to help the child in school and when they are at home.

I really feel that there are children in my head start that would benefit from RTI. I think that the teachers do ot realize that they are already putting the base model into place just by using the basic curriculum.  Analyzing the problem would be the first step that needs to be used. The teacher needs to be aware of what the issue is and how they are prepared to handle it.  The next step would to be to use CBM. I think that this would benefit the children because again, they are pulling the testing material from what is already being used in the classroom. I next think that modifictaions should be made. The teacher would be able to see that the child may be having trouble with phonics and will be able to zone in on the problem area.  I think that the collaberation part of RTI is useful next. The teacher needs to make all other involved aware of the changes that are being made so that everyone else will be able to follow in this step. The last thing would be to have FORMATIVE assessments done throughout the year. This will allow the child to focus on things that they have recently discussed and not materials from a long time ago. This would also allow the teacher to see periodically if certain modifications are working or if others need to be made.

I have learned so much from this class and the articles that we have read. I really feel that many modifications could be made in my head start room. if these are made then I feel that the children will be able to move forward in their learning process and succeed in the classroom!

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